treat artinya joker123 login Dan, kata 'treat' bila ditranslate mempunyai makna perlakukan. Berkenaan maknanya ngetreat ialah sebuah tujuan di mana ingin lakukan atau perlakukan seorang
jadwal liga inggris epl Verb The author treats this issue in the next chapter. This situation must be treated with great care. I try to treat everyone equally. If people treat you like an option, leave them like a choice and If you feel that you are avoided by someone, never disturb them again.
sebutkan ciri ciri tangga nada mayor Kamu ingin tahu apa saja regular dan irregular verb beserta artinya sekaligus? Baca penjelasan berikut ini Treat, Treated, Treated, Memperlakukan. Tremble. It was revealed that the politician was treated to dinner with a company executive. Can you treat me to this? Bisakah kamu traktir aku untuk ini?